Anti-Fraud Glossary

Abuse: The undercover agent is an investigator who simulates being interested in carrying out an irregular transaction, in order to become aware of the inappropriate operation and report on it.

Undercover agent: The undercover agent is an investigator who simulates being interested in carrying out an irregular transaction, in order to become aware of the inappropriate operation and report on it.

Misappropriation of assets: Misappropriating assets means appropriating them, definitively or temporarily, from their legitimate owners for one's own benefit, generally by abusing a position of trust.

Stratagem: Stratagem is one or more deceptive manifestations carried out in order to unduly benefit oneself and harm another.

Undue benefits: Undue benefits are those received from a business counterpart that could affect the loyalty of the official who accepts them towards their own organization.

Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct is a document, complementary to legal and regulatory standards, that establishes the behaviors expected of members of the organization and those to be avoided.

Conflict of interest: It is a situation in which an employee must act or decide on behalf of their organization, having an interest contrary to it and without having previously disclosed it.

Internal control: It is the set of measures and actions aimed at preserving the assets and good functioning of the organization, as well as compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

Corruption: Corruption is the set of behaviors by which one or more persons authorized to defend the interest of an organization betray that mandate and operate fraudulently for their own benefit.

Organized crime: It is the delinquent action structured systematically, with division of labor and similar to that of legal companies.

Compliance: It is adherence to legal and regulatory standards in force in the jurisdiction(s) in which the organization operates.

Harm: It is the damage derived from frauds, crimes, or other actions that harm an organization.

Fraudulent statements: It is the manifestation of falsehoods, the concealment of real facts, or the misleading presentation of information in order to obtain an undue benefit from it.

Whistleblower: It is the person who voluntarily provides information about irregular facts of which they have direct or indirect knowledge.

Anonymous report: It is information collected from one or more people who do not wish to reveal their identity.

Report under protected identity: These are the data of people who, by disclosing themselves, state that they are not willing to ratify their statements in a subsequent instance, such as in court.

Fraud: It is the act of making false statements to a person, group of people, or organization, with the purpose of obtaining a benefit for oneself or for third parties.

Money laundering or capital legitimization: It is the mechanism to give legal and legitimate appearance to funds of criminal or spurious origin.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act: It is a US law from 2001 designed to protect the confidence of the investing public which, among other provisions, establishes provisions for the protection of whistleblowers.

Whistleblower hotline: It is a private and confidential communication mechanism established by organizations so that their staff and business counterparts can provide information on behaviors considered contrary to the proper management of business.

Digital ethics hotline: It is the type of report in which information is entered in magnetic or electronic format from the beginning, without the need for transcription or data dumping.

Operation monitoring: It is the set of procedures carried out by the organization to identify suspicious or allegedly irregular transactions.

Fraud prevention: It is the set of actions taken by organizations to avoid being victimized by fraud.

Privacy or confidentiality of information: These are the guarantees that people have to ensure that their information and data will not be improperly disclosed to individuals who could cause them harm.

Anti-fraud program: It is the set of articulated measures to reduce the probability and impact of fraudulent actions.

Retaliation: Retaliation is the set of actions that fraudsters can take when they become aware that they have been reported, mainly to deter or avoid their testimony in subsequent instances, such as judicial proceedings.

GDPR: It is the General Data Protection Regulation enacted by the European Union to regulate the processing of

Transparency: It is the condition that allows something to be clearly visualized without interference that obstructs or distorts it.

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