ISO 37002: Whistleblowing Management System

ISO 37002 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the implementation of a whistleblowing management system within organizations. The objective is to promote integrity, ethics, and transparency in the workplace. This standard offers organizations a clear and defined framework to effectively manage reports of misconduct, such as fraud, corruption, harassment, discrimination, and more.

The primary purpose is to foster an ethical culture within organizations by promoting responsible reporting, protecting whistleblowers, and implementing effective measures to prevent and counter any irregularities. By effectively implementing this standard, organizations can establish clear and reliable processes for receiving, recording, investigating, and resolving reports. The successful implementation of ISO 37002 involves several key aspects.

First and foremost, the organization's top management must be committed to ethics and transparency to establish an organizational culture that promotes responsible reporting and non-retaliation against whistleblowers. Additionally, it is crucial to establish a confidential and accessible channel for receiving reports, ensuring the protection of the whistleblower's identity and the confidentiality of the information provided. Furthermore, having a specialized team for whistleblowing management with the necessary resources to conduct thorough and impartial investigations is essential. This team should have the capacity to assess reports impartially and take appropriate actions to address and resolve identified issues.

ISO 37002 also emphasizes the importance of communication and education throughout the whistleblowing management process. Organizations should establish training programs for employees to raise awareness about the risks associated with misconduct and the importance of reporting it. Furthermore, clear and timely communication of the actions taken as a result of reports received is crucial for building trust and credibility in the management system.

An organization can greatly benefit from the implementation of ISO 37002. Firstly, this standard helps strengthen a culture of responsible reporting, allowing for the timely detection and addressing of misconduct that could harm the organization financially, legally, or reputationally. ISO 37002 can also improve employee morale and satisfaction by providing a safe and misconduct-free work environment. By promoting reporting and problem resolution, employees feel valued and heard, contributing to better performance and productivity.

A successful case of ISO 37002 implementation is that of a multinational software company. Before implementing the standard, the company had little clarity in its processes for reporting irregularities, and employees felt insecure about reporting problems. After implementing ISO 37002, the company established a confidential and accessible reporting channel for employees, including the option to report anonymously through digital means. Employees received training on how to use the reporting channel effectively and securely. Additionally, an internal team was created to receive and manage reports impartially. The results of the implementation were highly positive, with a significant increase in the number of reports submitted, indicating that employees felt more secure and confident in reporting irregularities. This helped the company detect and address issues before they escalated into major crises. Moreover, the organizational culture improved, as employees perceived that their ethics and honesty were valued and protected.

Overall, the company experienced an enhancement in its reputation and transparency, leading to increased employee engagement and satisfaction. The implementation of ISO 37002 helped the company strengthen its ethical culture and drive long-term success.

In summary, ISO 37002 is a standard that provides guidelines for the implementation of a whistleblowing management system within organizations. Its proper application can promote integrity, ethics, and transparency in the workplace by establishing clear and reliable processes for receiving, investigating, and resolving reports. The successful implementation of this standard can greatly benefit an organization by enhancing its reputation, improving employee morale, and preventing misconduct that may affect its performance.

Implement ISO 37002 with the support of SHOGUN Ethical Line for anonymous, confidential, and efficient report management.

Author: Carlos León
Undersecretary of Expenditure at the Finance Secretariat of the Executive Branch of the State of Querétaro. Certified Public Accountant certified by the Mexican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Bachelor of Law from INDEPAC, and holds the Certified Fraud Examiner certification from ACFE and the International Anti-Fraud Expert certification from ICPF, among others.

Carlos Leon

Carlos León   mexico

An expert in fraud prevention with experience in developing efficient strategies and policies to mitigate and detect fraud risks in various sectors.

He served as the Deputy Secretary of Revenues at the Ministry of Finance in the Executive Branch of the State of Querétaro. He holds a degree in Public Accounting from the Autonomous University of Yucatán and a Bachelor's degree in Law from INDEPAC, Querétaro, Mexico.

He has completed various courses, diplomas, specializations, seminars, and workshops in financial accounting, forensic auditing, Anti-Money Laundering Prevention, enterprise risk management, policy evaluation, internal control, governmental accounting, and auditing.

He holds a Master's in Administration from TecMilenio University and a Latin American Master's in Public Policy Evaluation from the International University of Andalusia, Spain. He is a member of IMCP (Mexican Institute of Public Accountants) and served as the President of the Follow-up Commission for the National Anticorruption System in the Governmental Sector of IMCP from 2017 to 2019 and from 2020 to 2022. He holds international certifications from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) including Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) and Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP).

Regulatory compliance with SHOGUN ethical line

European Whistleblower Protection Directive

ISO 37301: Compliance Management System

ISO 37001: Anti-bribery management system

ISO 37002: Whistleblower Channel System

EU General Data Protection Regulation

Corporate Anti-Fraud program

COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission


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