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Smart Ethical Lines

Author: Guillermo Casal

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Similar to how human intelligence is often confused with the ability to recall.

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Why Ethical Lines Should Be Digital

Author: Guillermo Casal


In the last part of the previous article, we talked about having suitable means to report. The primary concern for whistleblowers, especially when reporting alleged irregularities by their superiors.

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Relevance of Ethical Lines éticas

Author: Guillermo Casal

The Impact of Fraud on Organizations

Fraud can be divided into two major categories: organized crime and occupational fraud.

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¿How Much Does Fraud Cost Organizations?

Author: André Barrantes

Internal fraud within organizations is an illicit activity resulting from the misappropriation of resources by a member of the entity.

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Reporting Lines and Anti-Fraud Programs

Author: Guillermo Casal

What Is an Anti-Fraud Program, and What Is Its Purpose?

As mentioned in a previous article, the effects of fraud, whether internal (occupational) or external (organized crime).

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ISO 37002: Whistleblowing Management System

Author: Carlos León

ISO 37002 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the implementation of a whistleblowing management system within organizations.

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Fighting Corruption Through Whistleblower Ethical lines

Author: Guillermo Casal

According to the Royal Spanish Academy dictionary, corruption is defined as "In organizations, especially in public ones, .

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Whistleblower Channel: Do You Understand Its Characteristics and Advantages?

Author: Andre Barrantes

Fraud is one of the major issues with a significant impact on society, especially in Latin America. In private sector organizations.

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ISO 37001 Standard: Anti-Bribery Management System

Author: Carlos León

An ISO standard is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

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Whistleblower Protection Law

Author: Andre Barrantes

On February 21, 2023, Law 2/2023 for the protection of individuals who report regulatory infringements and fight against corruption was published in the Official State Gazette of Spain in response to the obligation imposed by Directive 2019/1937.

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Mandatory Whistleblowing Conclusion

Author: Guillermo Casal

International regulatory pressure for the establishment of whistleblowing channels is increasing, particularly in the United States of America and Europe.

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Cost of Fraud in Times of Recession and Digitalization

Author: André Barrantes

Currently, humanity is experiencing a period of significant change. We are at a turning point in history, one of great disruption.

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The Future Digital Whistleblower: Digitalization of Ethical Reporting Lines

Author: André Barrantes

In times of rapid digital acceleration, individuals' habits are changing abruptly. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the digitalization of society.

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History of Ethical Reporting: The Path to Digital Transformation

Author: André Barrantes

History tells us that the earliest records of whistleblowers can be traced back to the ancient Roman Empire.

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ISO 37001

Author: Guillermo Casal

ISO 37001 is the standard that certifies that an organization has adequate procedures in place to prevent corruption and bribery (anti-bribery management system).

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Economic and Operational Benefits of Whistleblowing Channels

Author: Guillermo Casal

Whistleblowing channels, particularly when established with digital technology, are immensely advantageous in today's world, where news, even false news, spreads rapidly.

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Corporate Anti-Fraud Plan

Author: Guillermo Casal

An anti-fraud plan is an essential pillar of a robust internal control system, as reducing the cost of fraud, estimated by the ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners).

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How to Implement a Complaint Management System

Author: Guillermo Casal

The implementation of a digital complaint management system involves three major stages, which are:
• Communicate.
• Organize.
• Manage cases.

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Regulatory compliance with SHOGUN ethical line

European Whistleblower Protection Directive

ISO 37301:Compliance Management System

ISO 37001: Anti-bribery management system

ISO 37002: Whistleblower Channel System

EU General Data Protection Regulation

Corporate Anti-Fraud Program

COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission


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