Whistleblower Protection Laws Around the World

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Whistleblower Protection in Latin America:

In this region, several nations have enacted laws and regulations with a clear focus: to protect those who courageously step forward to report irregularities. Below, we present a selected overview of some whistleblower protection laws in each country:


The General Law of Administrative Responsibilities was designed to safeguard whistleblowers reporting acts of corruption. This law establishes a protective framework that embraces those who dare to point out integrity shortcomings. Additionally, the Law of Amparo in Administrative Responsibilities serves as a shield against retaliation.


Brazil's Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846/2013) not only encourages reporting in the public and private sectors but also establishes measures to protect courageous whistleblowers. The Access to Information Law (Law No. 12.527/2011) complements this framework, extending protection to those who reveal irregularities in the disclosure of public information.


LThe Whistleblower Protection Law (Law No. 27.304) establishes a protective framework aimed at providing security to whistleblowers, especially those who report acts of corruption in the public sector.


The Transparency and Right to Access to Public Information Law (Law No. 1712/2014), beyond promoting the reporting of irregularities, establishes concrete measures to safeguard whistleblowers.


Law No. 20.393 serves as a defender of those who report acts of corruption and other crimes in the public sphere. Its focus on protecting whistleblowers reflects a commitment to integrity.


LPeru's Whistleblower Protection Law (Law No. 30742) aims to provide security and support to those who report acts of corruption in both the public and private sectors.


The Whistleblower Protection Law (Law No. 19.896) was enacted to safeguard whistleblowers from reprisals for exposing acts of corruption.


The Organic Law for the Fight Against Corruption (Law No. 27809) establishes provisions with the aim of providing protection to whistleblowers reporting acts of corruption.

As can be seen, the multiple laws and regulations adopted across Latin America reflect a commitment to protecting those who report acts of corruption and promoting more ethical states.