Whistleblower Protection Laws Around the World

Explore this section and become familiar with the regulations related to whistleblowing channels or any other aspects related to fraud or corruption prevention established in each country.

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Whistleblower Protection Laws in Africa:

Throughout the vast and diverse African continent, laws have been enacted to protect individuals who dare to raise their voices against corruption and misconduct. These laws, designed to safeguard whistleblowers and ensure their safety, vary in scope and application but share the common purpose of promoting transparency and integrity in different African nations.

South Africa:

Forged in 2000, the Protected Disclosures Act aims to protect those who expose corruption and crimes in the workplace.


The Whistleblower Protection Act, established in 2017, serves as a bulwark for those who challenge corruption and other crimes.


From the majestic mountains of Kenya, the Whistleblower Protection Act, enacted in 2016, promotes the safety and protection of those who report illegal acts.


On the golden coasts of Ghana, the Whistleblower Act of 2006 shines as a legal shield for the brave souls confronting corruption and other crimes.


The Whistleblower Act, established in 2010, stands as a beacon of justice for those who dare to challenge corruption and fraud.


In the northern corner, Morocco, enacted its Whistleblower Act in 2011, a reflection of the nation's commitment to transparency and accountability.


The Integrity and Transparency Code, proclaimed in 2018, upholds the banner of fighting corruption while protecting informants.


From the highlands of Rwanda, the Whistleblower Protection Law (Law N.° 04/2018) stands as a testament to the country's commitment to truth and justice.