Normativa y leyes canales de denuncia

Explore this section and become familiar with the regulations related to whistleblowing channels or any other aspects related to fraud or corruption prevention established in each country.

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Whistleblower Protection in the Caribbean:

In the picturesque and vibrant landscapes of the Caribbean, laws and regulations have been enacted with a firm purpose of protecting those who challenge corruption and irregularities. Here are some legal paths that have been carved out to provide protection to whistleblowers in countries of this region:

Trinidad and Tobago:

The Integrity in Public Life Act (Chapter 19:06) stands as a bulwark for whistleblowers who raise their voices against wrongdoing in the public sector.


The Anti-Corruption Act (Act No. 14 of 2008) not only promotes the reporting of corrupt acts but also weaves a protective net for whistleblowers.


At the heart of Barbados, the Integrity in Public Service Act (Chapter 45) reflects a deep commitment to whistleblower protection in the public sector.

Saint Lucia

The Public Service (Integrity) Act (Chapter 15.09) safeguards whistleblowers in the public sector.

Antigua and Barbuda

The Anti-Corruption Act (Chapter 13A) provides protection to whistleblowers through its provisions while challenging corruption.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The Public Service (Integrity) Act (Chapter 12.1) creates a secure environment for whistleblowers in the public sector.


The coasts of Grenada protect not only natural beauty but also laws like the Public Service (Integrity) Act (Chapter 23A). This law protects whistleblowers in the public sector.

Cayman Islands

Through the Public Service (Integrity) Law (2017 Revision), whistleblowers find defense in the public sector.

Dominican Republic

TIt offers protection through Laws No. 311-14 on Asset Declaration and No. 10-07 on Declaration of Assets. These laws also provide safeguards for whistleblowers regarding asset declarations.

These legal provisions collectively reflect the commitment of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to protect whistleblowers and promote integrity and transparency.